Medical Pouches

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MultiCam 4
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Ranger Green 3
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Military 1
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Protection Level

Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8


Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
ETA Jun. 22 - Jul. 24
  • S/XL
Protection level
  • Type IIA
  • Type II
  • Type IIIA
If everything goes according to plan, medical pouches are something you should only see once a year to exchange the perishable contents with new ones. Sadly, it seldom does. Every team, or even a single person going on a mission, should have a medkit to administer first aid. These painkillers, coagulants, as well as bandages, will save your life if a bullet or fragment finds its way between your body armor and slices into the soft parts. And, if there is a larger team on a mission further away from any medical assistance, bringing a designated and trained medic will prevent anyone from receiving a flag. Generally, there are several things an individual first aid kit inside your medical pouch must have:
  1. Combat gauze dressing
  2. Two pairs of sterile surgical gloves
  3. Surgical adhesive tape
  4. Elastic bandages
  5. Compression gauze bandages
  6. Tourniquet
  7. Nasopharyngeal airway kit
  8. Surgical trauma shears
The last three items can be either inside the kit itself or housed in separate medical pouches for even quicker access. If you are a member of a larger group, the designated medic might carry some of the more advanced equipment, as well as several spare kits. When looking for a pouch to buy, you must always start from the person who will carry that gear. There are both single person medical pouches for sale and larger bags that will house a wide variety of field medical gear. Finally, while the price of a bag or pouch alone is not that significant, the medical equipment going inside will always cost more. As a rule, the best deals are usually found when you are buying both at the same time.

What are Military Medical Pouches?

While military medical pouches might refer to a wide variety of products, most people will use it for the IFAK, the individual first aid kit. But, this would be a misnomer because that name in the US Armed Forces refers to the contents and not the pouch itself. Both the US Army and police forces use similar kits for security and generally lowering their prices. For the pouch itself, there are two major requirements apart from the fact it is able to house all of the medical essentials that you need. Primarily, most units will require for the pouch to have PALS straps on the back and be compliant with MOLLE webbing. This is the preferable way to ensure that something of this side stays in place and moves with the soldier. The kit can be placed on the belt, or on added instead of the stomach module on the plate carrier when it comes to large medical utility kits. Second, it should be weather resistant. Pouch resistance should include moisture and heat in the first place. Failure to protect the contents from things such as moisture can compromise the entire kit and turn cure into poison very quickly. Finally, military medical pouches must be easy to open when you need them and unable to fly open on their own. This is especially the case when you are wearing gloves and don’t have perfect finger dexterity. Ideally, this will mean two zippers, center oriented, and a strap to close over them than needs simultaneous pressure to open.

How to Choose the Right Medical Bag?

Carrying medical equipment can be very bothersome for the soldiers. The two extra pounds might not sound much, but if you are not using the kit it might be two pounds of water you haven’t brought along. So, your first point would be to see if you can distribute the necessary weight over more people, similar to what you would do with ammo holsters. For this, a good military mission medkit would be detachable from its MOLLE base. Every soldier should have at least a primary kit with some gauze and coagulant with them. But, if there are more people in the field, it is better for a designated medic to carry one advanced kit than every individual person to carry a full tactical first aid kit.

What are Medical Sterilization Pouches Used for?

While called pouches, these are actually sealed plastic casings designed to keep everything inside them perfectly sterile. They are not reusable and the bag should be disposed of once you have used the product inside. While sterilization pouches are the best way to protect gauze, compression packs, and coagulant granules from bacteria, mold, moisture, and any toxic exposure, it will not protect the contents from sunlight radiation and temperature. Additionally, it is a good idea to use some type of sterilization spray to disinfect the insides of the bag every time you use it on a mission. This will ensure nothing is festering inside and increasing the probability of infection.
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