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Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8


Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
You can never have enough pockets. With the amount and variety of gear needed for tactical supremacy during any mission, having tactical pouches, bags, and holsters that will allow you to carry everything you need. And, you will still be able to run, jump, and maneuver around with your weapon as if you are only wearing clothes. Apart from universal pouches, or cargo pouches, and pockets that can house anything, there are also specialized tactical pouches that need to have their own special features and compartments:
  • Medical Pouches
  • Ammo Pouches
  • Grenade Pouches
  • Hydration Pouches
  • Radio and Communication Pouches
  • Gas Mask/ Protective Gear Pouches
Additionally, there are dump pouches used to contain expendable materials and faulty gear. While these pouches have limited tactical use on their own, they do bring serious strategic benefits. The one thing that is similar to all these types is their ability to be strapped on your belt, plate carrier, or backpack and allow you to increase your carrying capacity without impeding your mobility. Those looking to buy tactical pouches need to inspect their current gear and access their possible mission parameters. Some pouches are ideal for security and patrols, while others are more gauged toward combat. With multiple models for sale, as well as their relatively low price, you might be tempted to purchase multiple types, but take care not to overburden yourself with gear.

Wide Use Tactical Pouches

With technology and security threats changing every second, it is hard to predict what you will put inside your tactical pouch. For instance, a civilian smartphone is one of the most basic security tools for most local missions, and few military and police strategists ever predicted that. Although it is possible to have a smaller tactical pouch that attaches only to Velcro, which is enough for lighter items, having MOLLE webbing on the back would be preferable. The semi-permanent attachment will keep everything in place and prevent the items inside from wiggling. Ideally, these pouches should always be resistant to weather and elements. Even though not all gear suffers quickly from moisture, water, dirt, or frost, you want to be prepared for the moments when it does.

Specialized Tactical Pouches

Apart from miscellaneous gear, there are some things that are invaluable in certain situations or terrain, as well as items useful for any army. Grenade, ammo, and a radio pouch are always welcomed, as well as some sort of medical pouch or IFAK, even if it is just a basic first aid kit. These pouches will be adapted both to protect the contents and to allow you easy access to what you need when you need it. For instance, a hydration pouch will be lined on the inside to prevent overheating the contents and to balance the weight of the fluid. Other specialized items, like a radio pouch, should grant quick and easy access when you need your comm device, but keep everything strapped down and secure while you are on the move. This is something you would be looking for in any model, especially with those that need to be deployed post-haste, like a gas mask bag.

What is a Dump Pouch?

Dump pouches have become more popular as private actors entered the security service scene an-masse. In general, they are used to secure your spent mags, expended tools, or faulty gear. When it comes to tactics, their main advantage is that you are not leaving traces that an enemy could follow. And, from a strategic standpoint, dump pouches reduce the costs of engagement by letting most of the equipment to be retrieved and recycled.

What to Look for in a Tactical Pouch?

You should plan out your gear layout before you start ordering pouches. While everyone will benefit from at least one miscellaneous pouch, as well as ammo and medical pouches, you might need some more. Then, see if you can strap any items on your chest or belt with MOLLE webbing, increasing your combat capacity. That way you may be able to bring more ammo, or additional gear when the mission requires it, ensuring that you will always have the biggest tactical advantage possible.
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