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Protection Level

Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8


Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
ETA Jun. 24 - Jul. 26
  • S/XL
Protection level
  • Type IIA
  • Type II
  • Type IIIA
ETA Jun. 24 - Jul. 26
Protection level
  • Type IIA
ETA Jun. 24 - Jul. 26
Protection level
  • Type IIA
  • Type II
  • Type IIIA
  • 13”
  • 15”
  • 17”
ETA Jun. 24 - Jul. 26
Protection level
  • Type IIA
While it would be much simpler if all missions consisted of going to a location and making sure there aren’t any more bad guys there - that is rarely the case. Usually, you will need specialist actions. And, for that, you will need to have tactical combat accessories. Tactical accessory kits can be placed into three categories:
  1. Medical kits
  2. Tech security
  3. Protecting personal items
The third point might sound strange to someone who hasn’t thought about it but moral is a fickle thing and you don’t want a stray round or explosive fragment going through the pictures in your wallet. Also, tactical accessories can be used in private security or civilian situations. With med-kits and ballistic plating for your computers you can protect both yourself if necessary as well as the tools of your trade. Not to mention that such a military pack looks cool. While you won’t rely on an armored wallet to save your life in a dire situation, it is fun to have one that can withstand a bullet, and keep your well-earned money inside safe. Those in the market to buy a camo wallet for men, either as something to compliment their uniform or for travel and activities like hunting, will have several options for sale depending on their needs and their style.

Medic Kit Bags and Trauma Accessories

This is the most important aspect of accessories as it will make a difference between life or death. Having a good medical kit that is protected from both bullets and elements is essential in the field and will come in handy for a variety of domestic situations. This is primarily the case with first responders, such as those providing help in dangerous areas and places where explosive fragmentation and debris might be flying. It is easier to have your medical kit strapped to your plate carrier than use an entire hand to carry it. Your hands being free means that a simple fire team of two can serve as both extraction and medical teams in case of emergency as you will have your hands free to assist those that don’t need the use of tools and still have those at the ready if someone needs field-stabilization. Finally, it is good to have such items covered in ballistic protection. Even though nobody will aim for your medical bag, explosives might hit it. And, simple punctuation of the combat gaze or other sterilized equipment can make it useless. Generally, spending a few ounces to ensure that you haven’t brought the whole bag for nothing is a good investment.

Specialist Tactical Accessories

While this might embody the meaning of the E-4 enlisted rank in the army or navy, being a specialist means more when you are in the field than simply being a leader of a fire team or squad.  A specialist, especially in the private security sector, is a person who is an expert in their field and is usually essential to the fulfillment of the mission. And for that they need tools. Having expert tools like laptops protected with ballistic shielding is usually a good idea. In many cases, people will shield themselves from explosives instinctively with what they have in their hand, and you don’t want that to be a laptop essential to the mission.

Personal Accessories

Protecting items like wallets doesn’t directly influence the bodily security of a soldier or operator. But, a punctured wallet is troublesome and can lead to stress, especially if personal items were stored inside. They may be cool and can be used in any situation, but having the pictures of your loved ones and other mementos safe in your pocket can mean a lot to a lot of people and you don’t want stray shrapnel from puncturing them. This is also important in domestic and security situations where a stray bullet might miss you but hit your back pocket. Not only will an armored wallet stop the round from hurting you physically in this case, but emotionally as well. Being shot hurts, but waiting at the DMV to get a new license issued is a whole other type of pain.

Civilian Combat Accessories

Finally, all of the tactical combat accessories can be used by civilians. They can be a good way to increase protection in places where you might not be able to carry your bulletproof vest or other defensive items. While it is a hope of everyone that these items will stay unused, having an armored laptop in a modern school might give the parents some peace of mind.
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