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Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8


Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
ETA Jun. 27 - Jul. 29
  • M
  • L
  • XL
Number of Plates
  • 3 Plates
  • 4 Plates
As the saying goes, knowledge is power. Namely, the lack of knowledge of your attackers about your defensive capabilities can be just the thing that will save your life. Carrying a ballistic briefcase will make you completely inconspicuous as well as readily armed and protected.  Basically, this briefcase works the same as a ballistic shield, neatly tucked in as a luxury business bag. Additionally, you may keep both your documents, as well as your side-arm, at your person at all times. There are three main benefits of carrying an armored briefcase:
  1. Discretion
  2. Easy handling 
  3. Wide coverage area 
The last point is especially important because, unlike regular body armor and bulletproof vests, it can protect other people aside from yourself. This means that you can protect your business partners, clients, and family members if needed.  Those in the market to buy tactical ballistic shields will have a selection of different models for sale, depending on if they are police and army models meant for open combat and riot situations, or civilian tactical shields that are meant to be discreet.

What is a Ballistic Briefcase?

The name of the product is quite self-explanatory. This is a luxury leather briefcase that has multiple ballistic plates installed inside it.  Originally, this case will have up to four plates stacked upon each other. With a simple flip by the holder, the case can expand to cover a wider area that can cover the vitals of even the largest person, and can cover others almost completely.  Additionally, this type of mobile cover can be used to protect multiple people at the same time provided that they stand in a single file. This will come in handy when protecting VIPs or in high-risk covert missions where danger can come suddenly.  Finally, the biggest advantage of ballistic briefcases is that you don’t need to use it. Nobody will notice your defensive capabilities allowing you to deescalate the situation before you deal with the problem shields up and guns blazing. 

Security on the Job

Unlike regular security or military jobs where you are allowed to carry an overt vest, sometimes when protecting prominent venues and people you will need to keep a low profile and blend it with your surroundings. This means covert vests, concealed carry, and expandable ballistic shields.  Also, it is nice to use something that is made with high-quality materials and generally looks luxurious. This will make you blend in with your clients, making it harder to distinguish between the protective detail and the target, making your job that easier.  The fact that this is still a briefcase, and a functional briefcase at that, means that you can keep a laptop and documents inside and keep them protected from gun-fires as well. Obviously, you should never prioritize the safety of material possessions over that of human beings.  But, if you are already protected by a ballistic vast, you can use the briefcase to only protect your head and the documents inside, which may be essential to your mission.  In the end, you may use the bag to keep additional security gear that you may need for your job. This can include weapons and medical packs for both you and your associates, forming your security detail into an impromptu SWAT team.

Adding a Concealed Carry

Aside from the defensive features which are native to the case itself, you can also add offensive capabilities inside the back pocket, which is of ideal size for a medium-sized handgun and additional ammo.  This feature can become really important if there is a prolonged engagement where you will need to pacify multiple enemies. While each of the ballistic plates inside the briefcase can take over six direct shots from a rifle, this is not infinite protection.  A good defensive operator should have a contingency for every situation and not rely on a sole piece of gear.  Finally, having such a product can give you peace of mind and let you know that you are protected while on a daily grind. And the best thing is, those who want to harm you will not know that. 
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