Full Armor System
Plate Carriers
Concealable Vests
Overt Vests
Armored Clothing
Hard Plates
Soft Panels
Ballistic Helmets
Base Layer
Rifle Pouches
Grenade Pouches
Medical Pouches
Pistol Pouches
Hook & Loop Pouches
Chest Rigs
Canine K9
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11 Mar 2023
WHAT IS A BALLISTIC HELMET? Ballistic helmets, also known as bulletproof helmets or tactical helmets, are the most commonly used helmets by today’s modern soldiers. They are designed to protect the operator’s head from bullets, blunt impact, fragmentation, and other threats. WHAT COLORS ARE AVAILABLE FOR BALLISTIC HELMET? UARM offers five different colors of helmets. These colors are MultiCam, Coyote, Ranger Green, Black, and Tan. However, you can also purchase helmet covers...
02 Mar 2023
Bulletproof Clothing: The Armor of the Future
The armor industry, like most other sectors, is rapidly developing armor that is lighter, durable, and smaller. This allows you to be discrete, agile, covert, and flexible. As a secret operative, rogue intelligence officer, or FBI agent, you can disguise yourself during your next Mission Impossible to intercept the delivery of Novichok, Polonium 210, or some other type of chemical agent. Become better prepared than your adversaries. So What is Bulletproof Clothing? Bulletproof clothing is armor...
23 Feb 2023
How to Choose Armor Plates in 2023?
How to Choose Armor Plates? Choosing a plate is not like choosing milk or cookies at the local supermarket. While in marriage, you might get a second chance after a nasty divorce, warfare is not so forgiving. It’s kill or be killed! Ultimately, choosing a plate carrier and the optimal plates for it will become the difference between life and death. If you make the wrong choice, nasty projectiles will get the best of you, and unfortunately, the GAME...
17 Feb 2023
How to Choose the Best Vest in 2023
How to Choose the Best Vest in 2023 In most industries, there are constantly new products and models that hit the market every year. Choosing a product is often overwhelming because of the sheer quantity of choices in the modern marketplace. Choosing a vest is no different. Also, your ultimate decision should depend on how you intend to use your vest. Do you need something lighter and inconspicuous to protect you from small-arms fire? Do you need a heavier vest,...
13 Feb 2023
Why Add a CAT™ Covert Armored T-Shirt To Your Arsenal?
Why add a CAT™ Covert Armored T-Shirt to Your Arsenal? Altough there are a lot of different armor and bulletproof systems on the market, not all are realistic for everyday life. Many armor systems are often bulky, conspicuous, noticeable, and uncomfortable. It is important to remember that using visible armor or taking extreme security measures can often raise your profile, which may not always be in your best interest. Attention can often prove costly, and get in the way of...
15 Aug 2022
Medical Kit Is the Most Necessary Item in Your Arsenal
It is reasonable that not many people want to admit that the medical kit is the most necessary item you will have on you because it may sound like planning for failure. But, increasing your rate of recovery is much more important in the field than anyone who hasn’t used it may realize. A good medical kit, as well as reasonable proficiency in using it, will save our life and your mission in several ways. Mainly, it will protect from...
01 Aug 2022
How to Take Care of a Plate Carrier?
Although plate carriers are made to be quite sturdy and durable, they still need regular maintenance if you want them to last a long time. To take care of the plate carrier you will need to know about the different parts, how to clean those parts, and ideally how to mend small nicks that may appear after some missions. Generally, there are three things that you should be wary of: Moisture UV Exposure Lateral rips This all has to do...
30 Jun 2022
A Few Tips about Traveling With Body Armor
There is a number of reasons why someone would be traveling with body armor. For one, there are those for whom their job requires them to have body armor and they need to be sure that it will arrive with them. Also, staying safe while you travel is becoming a rising concern. But, unlike having body armor in your home state, or moving them in a private vehicle, getting into planes, buses, and ships with armor can be tricky. To...
30 Jun 2022
How to Install Plates into Carrier Properly?
Modern body armor is quite grateful when it comes to installations, even if you are a beginner. If you are planning to use a plate carrier for the first time there are only a few common sense steps and a few tricks that you should know, everything else will be optional. The common sense parts of the plate setup are similar to what you need to do with all gear; measure your size and make sure you need the gear...
30 Jun 2022
The Tactical Helmet That Fits You
A tactical bulletproof helmet is one of those items that is severely underrepresented in media but is absolutely crucial in any mission. If you don’t have a helmet that fits you well and offers correct coverage a stray piece of shrapnel or debris can place you out of commission, or worse. When picking up a helmet, there are three aspects to consider, each being very important: Coverage (Protection) Attachments (Usefulness) Padding (Comfort) You don’t need to have each of these...
23 Jun 2022
How To Choose The Best Bulletproof Vest?
For those experienced with body armor picking out the best bulletproof vest is an obvious choice. Choosing the proper ballistic depends on how you intend to use your gear and the specific circumstances you intend to face. Generally, there are three categories when it comes to selecting body armor: Covert soft armor – For civilian jobs and everyday use in dangerous areas Overt soft armor – For policing, civilian security, and home defense Hard plate armor...
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